6 Web Design Trends You Must Follow This Year

Over the years, the technology and concept of web design have changed. You need to stay updated with your web design trends to stay competitive. Here we will discuss the web design trends to follow this year.

Bold colour

This year’s trend is to go for bold and bright colours. This will help your brand to stand out from the websites that are of neutral colours. When choosing the colour, make sure that it is not hard on the eyes. Many companies have changed the colour of their websites from neutral to bold tones this year.

Load time and page speed

Just like before, load time and page speed are important factors to consider. Quick loading time is an important factor in SEO. So, if your website is congested with big images and takes a long time to load, then your site won’t be ranked higher on the search engine results pages.

Quick loading time will also result in better conversions. It must take about 2 seconds after clicking the link for your site to load. Giant companies are also making an effort to reduce their wait times. For example, Pinterest has reduced wait times by 40%. This resulted in a 15% increase in traffic.

Smart content load

You should include smart content instead of lots of graphical elements or third-party integrations. People don’t like long waiting times and infinite scrolls to look for the information you need.

You should use ‘Lazy Load’ so that the web browser only downloads the content you want to see and not the others. This saves resources and loading time too. Another approach is to load the content as the user scrolls down the page.

Personalized content

Websites can now track your browsing history and know where you are located. They can provide specific information based on these factors. They provide personalized content, not the generic one that is for everyone.

Custom content can increase conversion. You should design your website in such a way that it can provide personalized content based on browsing history, liked products, and other factors.


Lead nurturing forms integrated with CRM tool

To market your website, you need an online lead generation form. It can help to know about your web visitors. So progressive dynamic contact forms are placed on landing pages. The form won’t contain too many fields. The CRM store the information of the leads. With this, it is possible to recognize the lead when they again come back to the site.


Chatbots are the trend today. It combines artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide good customer service. This means you can respond to customer queries fast, and also, you won’t have to assign someone dedicated to answering general questions.

When designing a website, you must follow these trends now. It will help to highlight your site from the competitors’ sites. You will be able to attract more customers to your site, and they will revisit the site.